It seems like every manufacturer has a robotic vacuum cleaner these days, but that doesn’t mean all of them are worth considering. We’ve reviewed a range of robo-vacuums and found largely decent machines, especially compared to how the field looked a few years ago.
But if your standards are higher than vacuums that aren’t constantly zigzagging around your living room when not bumping into walls or falling off stairs, there are still relatively few options out there. The Roomba 980 is one. The Roomba 960 is another. Today we’re going to review a third: the Neato Botvac Connected Robot Vacuum. At $700, it’s not competing with the bargain bin robo-vacuums that’ll end up in the garbage a year from when you buy them; this is supposed to be a quality machine that makes you proud to own it. Does it clean well enough to justify its presence in your home? We think so as long as your expectations are realistic. Our full review is below, and you can buy it here.
Pros, Cons, and Key Features of the Neato Botvac Connected Robot Vacuum

The Neato Botvac Connected is one of several Botvacs in a somewhat confusingly-arranged line. There’s the D7 Connected, D5 Connected, the regular Connected we’re reviewing today, and the D80 / D85, D3 Connected, as well as previous-gen models still sold, such as the D79. The key point to remember is that they all use real-time laser mapping and navigation instead of predetermined patterns or camera systems to find their way around your home, which theoretically should lead to more accurate and efficient cleaning methods. They all include the patented D-shape with reversing ability, which Neato states allows them to better clean corners than round robotic vacuums.

The Connected is the second-highest Botvac in the current line. It includes the real-time laser navigation system, a dual cleaning mode (Turbo for maximum power, Eco for reduced sound and longer runtimes), and the ability to clean up to 5,000 square feet per cycle (a cycle refers to 3 cleaning runs and 2 automatic battery recharges). It is also Wi-Fi and smart phone compatible, although neither are required to use it.

A Lithium-ion battery delivers a 120 minute runtime in Eco mode (60 minutes in Turbo), and a 3 hour recharge time. The Connected requires at least 4 inches of clearance to clean beneath furniture, beds, and cabinetry, has a 13 inch cleaning radius, and weighs just under 17 pounds. It includes 3 cleaning brushes: the combo brush, which is the most powerful, a spiral blade brush, which is gentler, and a side brush for corners, walls, and base boards. It includes the same standard one year warranty found throughout the robotic vacuum industry; however, the battery warranty is disappointingly only six months long.
How do you set up Wi-Fi and your smart phone with the Botvac app?

Although you can run the Connected without Wi-Fi or smart phones (in fact, this is the primary difference between the Connected and the regular Botvac), we recommend using the Wi-Fi so you can take advantage of the additional features in the app, which is only available if you have a smart phone or tablet. That said, if you don’t want to use apps, you simply push the button on the robot and it will start cleaning. You can even program routines and cleaning schedules directly from the LCD screen on the Connected.
While the instructions included aren’t the best, setting up the app, your phone, and the Internet is relatively painless. To program your Connected by phone, first place it on its charger (Neato recommends a full charge before using it to do any cleaning). Download the relevant app for your Android or iPhone, make a Neato account, plug in your Connected’s serial number, and make sure you’re sharing the same 2.4 GHz network; 5 GHz bands won’t work. You can then use the LCD interface on the Connected to finalize the connection. You also get to name your Connected, which is one of the most fun parts of owning a robotic vacuum. Be creative–no one will know what name you use but you and your Botvac.
How well does the Neato Botvac Connected clean carpets, hardwood floors, and homes with pets?

The Connected cleans as well as some of the best robotic vacuums on the market. Its navigational system lives up to the hype; although it takes a few runs to make a coherent map of your home, once it does, it learns. It deftly hummed around the room, avoiding obstacles left and right and moving in an efficient, grid-like pattern. In many respects, it felt like watching a human being clean a room, which is about the highest praise we can give a machine. And the ability to reverse into corners was no gimmick; it picked up significantly more dirt and dust around the house than any round vacuum we’ve used so far.

Power-wise, the Connected’s adjustable Turbo and Eco systems made a significant difference in cleaning effectiveness. We tended to use the Eco mode for most tasks as the Connected was much quieter when doing so. The battery life also lasted significantly longer as noted above.
We found the Eco mode was strong enough, especially when paired with the combo brush, to thoroughly clean hardwood floors and other bare floors, including tile, laminate, and concrete, as well as area rugs and low-pile carpets. The Turbo mode did a surprisingly good job with medium-pile carpets as well as a passable job on some high-pile carpets. The battery life took a nosedive, however, so we’d still unconditionally recommend a Miele canister (e.g., the Soft Carpet) if you’re interested in cleaning high pile carpets. For low-pile berber, saxony-type carpets, though, you’ll be just fine with the Connected.
How does the Neato Botvac Connected compare to the Roomba 960?
Compared to the Roomba 960, the Botvac Connected is clearly more advanced in a number of ways, but there are enough advantages to the 960 to make it strongly worth considering. In terms of navigation, the Connected has by far the more sophisticated system; the laser-guided, real-time updated “brain” of the Connected allows it to move through rooms in a more systematic fashion than the 960 with its camera-guided system. It’s the difference between watching a toddler play hide-and-seek and a preschooler; both will eventually find you, but one will be a lot faster and require a lot less patience.
The Connected, unlike the 960, is also capable of operating in complete darkness, while the 960 requires light for its cameras to see. Both feature return-to-base, recharge, and return-to-work systems. The battery in the Connected, however, lasts far longer at up to 120 minutes compared to 75 minutes. The 960 can squeeze under slightly lower furniture and weighs significantly less. It also has a longer battery warranty (one year vs 12 months) and a significantly better reputation for long term reliability.
The battery, in fact, was the most significant weak point of the Connected. While it worked marvelously in ours, we’ve heard from others in the know that it can fail prematurely, which is reflected in the minimal warranty coverage Neato provides for it. You can buy replacement batteries, but you might not want to budget for one if you’re already spending this much on the vacuum. As a result, if reliability is a priority, you’ll want the 960.
The Roomba 980, by the way, offers the same battery life as the Connected with a better navigational system than that in the 960, although it’s still not as good as that in the Connected. If you’re looking for an overall upgrade to the Connected, this would be our recommendation.
Why buy the Neato Botvac Connected?
In the end, if you’re going to spend around $700 on an automatic vacuum, you’re going to want to feel you’re getting something for your money. With the Botvac Connected, there’s no doubt you’re getting a fine piece of engineering. However, for what you’re going to spend on it, we’d recommend you consider the Roomba 960 as well if battery life is a concern.
While the Botvac Connected cleans thoroughly and has some very sophisticated features in it–the laser mapping and scanning, for example, is something you’re just not going to find in the competition–when it comes to day-to-day functionality, reliability, and consistency, we feel you’re likely to have more of the “set it and forget it” experience with the 960 than with the Connected due to potential battery issues. That said, both are impressive machines, and if you’re set on the Connected, you’ll be able to overlook its shortcomings. If you have a bit more money to spend, the Roomba 980 beats both in our books.
You can buy the Neato Botvac Connected here on Amazon. Alternatively, you can buy the Roomba 960 here or buy the Roomba 980 here for a true upgrade to both.
Canadians can buy the Neato Botvac Connected here, the Roomba 960 here, or the Roomba 980 here.
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